Friday, October 26, 2012

Let's rock this party

America has almost always either picked a Republican or a Democrat for President of the United States.  We cannot pick Romney; who is a Republican or reelect Obama; who is a Democrat for President of the United States.  I am stating, in my opinion, how dishonest and unworthy they are.  I will tell you why we cannot pick Romney or Obama, based off of their character, religion, background, upbringing, past achievements, and education by either quoting Romney and Obama or what was said they did.  I will also give you a better choice for President of the United States.
                Romney first off, displays terrible character; he changes his mind all the time.  In a news conference that was posted on YouTube, Romney talks about not having lobbyists on his pay role, “I don’t have lobbyists that are running my campaign.  I don’t have Lobbyist tied to my campaign.”  As soon as Romney finished saying that, one of the reporters, Glen Johnson, from the associated press, interrupts him to say, “That is not true Governor that is not true!  What about Ron Coughlin, he is on your campaign?  Ron Coughlin is a lobbyist!”  (channel4truth2012).  So now Romney has lobbyists on the payroll.”  On a different link on YouTube, Romney did the same thing with healthcare and the auto industry, especially when he was asked about some of his biggest supporters, who also were bailed out by the government.  (DemRapidResponse)  Also, I think Romney has a drug problem.  Romney babbled on about how he loves trees, and the lakes and small lakes “I love cars.”  (afjetflyr)
          Obama is no better, in 2006 he voted against the raising the ceiling debt.  David Jackson, from USA TODAY quoted, the then senator Barack Obama, D-Ill., back in 2006.                       
                       “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of               
                         leadership failure.  It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills.
                          It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign
                          countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies.  Increasing
                          America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally.  Leadership means
                          that, "the buck stops here.’  Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad
                          choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren.  America has a 
                          debt problem and a failure of leadership.  Americans deserve better.”  (Jackson) 
In 2011, Obama raised the debt ceiling.  Furthermore, if you want someone that can charm the pants off of you or someone that likes passing the buck on to someone else, Romney or Obama are right for you.  I think it was Hitler and other dictators did this as well.
                Romney was a bishop for the Mormon Church and still is a Mormon.  I’m not saying Mormons’ are a terrible people in general, but sometime in the 80’s, Romney did threaten a lady excommunication from the church if she didn't give up her baby for adoption, according to excerpts from a new biography by two Boston Globe journalists.  (Global Post)  I don’t know about you, but any religion that says that you can’t stick around because you made a few mistakes isn't a good religion.  Do you think he would ask American citizens to leave the country if they made a mistake once he becomes President?  I mean, if I made a mistake like saying something wrong, would I be asked to leave the U.S.?  I better not,  I am an American citizen, I have the right to say whatever the f—k I want!!  This isn't China, this is America!!!!
                On the other hand, Obama is Muslim.  So says the Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit on Nile-TV.  Adul Gheit said “he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, where the US President told him that He was still a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father, the step son of Muslim stepfather, that his half-brothers in Kenya are Muslims, and that he was sympathetic towards the Muslim agenda.”  (Gellar)  But when Obama was first running for President of the United States, he said the he was a Christian.  (Taraisastar)  To me, when someone goes around the fact of what religion they are, or lies about what religion they are, that means that they can’t stand for anything.  It doesn’t matter if you’re Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, Satanism, if you are afraid to admit who/what you believe in; you are telling me that you’re afraid to tell people the truth.  I would much rather have Marilyn Manson running for P.O.T.U.S because I would at least know who he stands for and what he is about.
Romney knows quite a bit about being a politician.  His dad was a Governor of Michigan; Mitt Romney was the Former Governor of Massachusetts so he has a lot of background and experience in playing to what the crowd wants to hear.  He was born and raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, but lied about being a lifelong hunter being as how he has never gotten a hunting license.  Former Arkansas governor  Mike Huckabee said, "It would be like me saying I've been a lifelong golfer because I played putt-putt when I was 9 years old and I rode in a golf cart a couple of times.”
Obama was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree.  He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.  He served three terms representing the 13th District in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004.  Obama is from Hawaii, but was raised in Chicago.  His birth certificate and social security number is questionable on many levels of being counterfeit. What else are these men hiding? 
Some of Romney‘s past achievements are that he was the CEO of Bain Capital.  He turned a profit the first year he was there.  He also, headed the Salt Lake Organizing Committee for the 2002 Winter Olympics.  What was probably never told was how he turned a profit the first year he was CEO.  “What he did on how Romney turned a profit the first year in office.  He first fired everyone and rehired them at a lower pay.  *Who do you think he is going to fire first?  The wealthy government chair holders or the jobs that can be easily replaced, if he is elected president?* Then he took as many jobs as he could and sent them overseas and fired the rest.  After that he liquidated all assets and either bought cheaper parts or did away with parts that were important, this made his stock holders billions.  He would also buy bigger companies, load them up with debt, and then declare bankruptcy on these companies” Explains a video from (YouTube)  Peter Lattman, from the New York Times wrote about a letter that was sent to its investors in March of 2012 from Bain Capital about trying to distance itself from the Romney campaign,
                  “Most of you have been our partners for many years, and you know that we prefer to
                    maintain a low public profile and to devote our energies to the work we do on your
 If you have ever seen the movie, “Good Fellas,” they did the same thing.  …but wait, I just compared a bunch of gangsters on a movie to the Republican Presidential candidate that actually happened in real life. 
                  Obama is no different.  Obama was a House of Representative in 2000.  He was in the Illinois Senate in 2004 and in 2008 He won presidential election.  For some reason he got the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, but I don’t know why because Obama has put America in the same situation by loading it up with more debt.  We now owe $700 billion in debt plus our national debt thanks to his government bailout idea.  Carlos Ramirez, from Review of Law & Economics, wrote about the idea that bailed out big businesses and not the families that needed it!  The big businesses got the money and gave out bonuses to their CEO’S and other high-end execs.  I don’t know about you, but when I do horribly at work or school, I don’t get a bonus.  As a matter of fact I get the opposite of a bonus.  Obama wants to get everyone healthcare, but at the cost of someone else.  Who you ask?  The rich doctors…  Do you think you should work hard and go to school for at least ten years and then have to give away your service because the P.O.T.U.S. says so…?  Those poor doctors, did you know most doctors’ don’t start making real money until they pay off all of their student loans?!  Do you think that the music artists’ are going to work hard and do the same thing?  NO, that’s why we have piracy laws!! 
            To be a president you have really smart *or just buy your way in*.  So Romney received his undergraduate degree from Brigham Young University, and then earned a joint JD and MBA from Harvard University. 
Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School.  I guess if you want to be a good thief or sell silk panties to a nun you have to go to a good school.  I know great salesmen and he went to Texas State!!  I’m not knocking schools by no means, what I am saying is salesmen are born not built they just know how talk to people and tell them what they want to hear.  Romney “I know about all kinds of things.”  Or like Obama’s “hope and change” line.  All I got from that was ‘change’ in my pocket and ‘hope’ to get a good paying job soon! 

Works Cited
     ISLAMIC COUP ON THE WHITE HOUSE." Atlas Shrugs. Pamela Geller, 12 June
     2010. Web. 29 Apr. 2012.
Global Post. "Mitt Romney Threatened Pregnant, Unwed Mom with Excommunication."
     Rev. of Vanity Fair. Global Post. N.p., 12 Jan. 2012. Web. 23 Apr. 2012.
Huckabee, Mike. "Huckabee Takes a Shot at Romney's Hunting." Interview by CBS
     News. N.p., 11 Feb. 2009. Web. 23 Apr. 2012.
Jackson, David. "Obama Once Opposed Lifting Debt Ceiling." Editorial. USA Today.
     Ed. USA Today. N.p., 6 Jan. 2011. Web. 23 Apr. 2012.
Lattman, Peter. Rev. of Bain Defends Itself amid Attacks on Romney, by NY Times.
     Dealbook NY Times. Ed. NY Times. N.p., 13 Mar. 2012. Web. 23 Apr. 2012.
Romney, Mitt. "Mitt Romney Loves Cars, Lakes, & Trees..." 17 Feb. 2012.
     Youtube. Web. 23 Apr. 2012.
Romney, Mitt. "The Ultimate Mitt Romney Flip-Flop Collection." 17 Apr. 2012.
     Youtube. Web. 29 Apr. 2012.
When Mitt Romney Came to Town -Complete Full Version- King of Bain Capital -
     Gingrich Super PAC. Youtube, 2012. Film.

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