Thursday, June 3, 2010

So You Learn

A good friend of mine was telling me about this ex-employee he had and always had problems with. Then he was telling me that this always happened to him, he would give someone a chance and they would walk all over him. I was talking to a different friend about how she couldn’t meet the right guy and how guys were always treating her poorly. Both of these people were talking about completely different people but coincidently were always get the same result.

God doesn’t want you to fail! God wants you to be happy!! God does put all kinds of people in your life for you to learn from. Some are good and some are bad. If bad things are always happening to you, over and over you’re not learning anything! We are put here on earth to serve God. If you’re unhappy you won’t be a very good servant. Yes you might get done what God wants you to get done but your not going to be very happy doing it!

How to do this? If you do fail learn everything you can from it and move on. Don’t be a debbie downer or frank the frowner. Be accountable. If you screw something up, fess up to it! Always read between the lines. We live in a society that loves to play all kinds of games. I don’t care who you are everyone plays one game or another. Yes the guy maybe able to make you laugh or do something that someone else can’t do or tell you everything you want to hear or buy you the moon or maybe he’s one of the lucky ones and doesn’t have to say anything at all. Just stands their and looks good! Use your discernment ladies it goes a long way. Guys start by using your head and I’m talking about the head on your shoulders. Also as much as we like to think, you can’t save them all!

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