Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Sunday I went to the Rock N Roll marathon San Antonio. I have never attended a race , but I have a few friends that run these races all the time and tell me about all the emotions you go through. “You cry, you laugh, you sing, you yell, you dance.”

Ten minutes on premises I see Christine Chapa and Chris Godfrey. I stopped and chatted with them and start to see people I know like, Elizabeth Anderson, Amber Rodriguez, Simon Ponder and Stephen Chavez. They are all moving fast with no problems.

I get to the finish line area and I’m standing on Montana St. taking pictures of people and cheering for the runners. I see a few clowns dressed humorously as they speed by. I also keep noticing the reactions on people’s faces. Some were laughing, some singing/dancing, some were yelling or asking for encouragement for someone next to them having a hard time. Some were enjoying the crowds’ applause and receiving high-fives from spectators. Some were so focused, I would yell their name and they just kept going either singing/talking to themselves or just attentively looking forward.

On the other hand I saw some people crying out of pure agony! So much pain and hurt, but they just pushed through. Mostly the guys would stop and rest or be out of breath/cramp up, but you could really tell they were in pain and had just run 26.1 miles!

I was wondering, if I was to train, could I do this? Really I was thinking “do I have the balls to pull this off?!” Just then I see a gentleman pedaling a specially designed wheelchair doing a half marathon! This gentleman was not paralyzed; he just didn’t have the use of his arms. So at sometime in his life he had to make a physical and metal decision that he wanted to enter this race on his own. I looked on in disbelief. A little while later a lady came up on the full marathon side in a wheelchair. Remember that she has to go up this hill. With every push of the wheels with her arms up she would come back down. Sometimes she went up two feet sometimes she went up six inches, sometimes she went sideways, but she didn’t stop until she got to the top!

After seeing this display of determination my eyes were a little misty. I was thinking this is the way life is, whether it is with God or not. In life people are going to be rushing by, passing you up, bumping into you, and distracting you. It’s up to you and only you to be determined and be willing push yourself!

If you say you suck well then you will collapse and people run over you! If you don’t train, consume the wrong things, read the wrong messages and live a life of excess you will fail. On the other hand if you train, consume the right things, live a life of purpose, and have the right people around encouraging you, you can do anything you want!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Beer

Five years ago if you asked me to put my seat belt on, I would tell you to go to hell. Nicely, of course. If you asked me to try pumpkin beer I would tell you the same thing, while I was opening a Natural Light or some other “inside the box” beer. I had what my Dad calls “$*!% for brains.”

I thought I knew it all and tried it all. Yes, I had done a lot for a kid my age. At the beginning of 2004 I had a good pick up, it was nice but just like everyone else, I wanted to upgrade. Fast-forward to the end of the year and I had an injector pump go out. I didn’t want to spend the money for a new one so what did I do? I upgraded. I bought a brand new truck.

Fast forward another two years and my company work load was almost at a standstill. I took a job for a crane company, operating cranes and big haul trucks. I had a hard time getting in and moving up in the company because I needed a special crane license. After working for a while there I got to work at a refinery for the company. I was working fourteen/sixteen hour days, seven days a week. One morning, coming off of the night shift, I fell asleep driving. I also found out I had sleep apnea. After sending my truck flying and crashing down, I crushed my heel in seven pieces, totaled my truck and was bedridden for two months.

Since I was not working, I had no income. I moved back in with my parents. While lying in bed doing nothing but going crazy, I decided I needed to do something with my life when I healed. I decided to pay to get my crane license myself... I was in my walking boot going to school. I earned my license and got a job in San Antonio.

One of my best friends from high school lived in town and he introduced me to all of his friends and his church. I met great leaders and volunteers there. It was with their help that I found God. Yes I was born and raised a Catholic, but I was a dead Catholic. After finding God, things started to turn around. I got a free car. I got to go to SXSWi. Really, I got a second family. Also I got to meet people in industries I would have never seen or even heard of if I would stayed on the path I was on. Now, when someone asks me to try something new, like pumpkin beer, a new computer program/tech gadget or an art show? I jump at the chance to go because I know I will meet/see someone interesting, or get to experience something different. Besides I found out I have a passion for architecture. My point is that if a few bad things didn’t happen I would not be where I am at today and I would not be at peace with God!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


A few weeks ago I planned a birthday party for a few friends and myself. The day before the party I had a couple friends call me and tell me that I should not have the party because they were worried about me and that I was too focused on the party and not on my walk with God.

In the early 2000’s I had the three different motorcycles. All were crotch rockets and fast. I learned to do a few tricks like, pop wheelies, ride stoppies, ride with no hands, and such.

One night, like many nights before, one of my crazy friends had a party. I show up to his house on my motorcycle driving in the party while riding on the gas tank. No big deal to me but to them not so much. Now I have been told that I am a 250 lb liver. I drink tequila like water and can consume more than my fair share of beer. Am I telling you this to brag or start a drinking contest? No. I know when to say when, especially when riding my motorcycle. After drinking all night I was ready to leave. I did my goodbyes and climbed on my motorcycle when my buddies stopped me. Their persistence fueled my anger and I was about to fight two of my best friends because they wouldn’t let me leave.

Both of these stories are similar because I can be riding high on life and not really know what is down the road. During the birthday party, I could have had too much to drink and allowed things to get out of hand. I could have said or done something that I would have regretted in the morning. With the motorcycle ride home, I could have dropped the bike, run into a tree or gotten pulled over.

Sometimes good friends help you stay in check and sometimes good friends keep you in check. Sometimes you may not know you are close to disaster and sometimes you know you are in the deep end but don’t know how or when to stop.

Next time someone is trying to stop you from doing something, stop and listen. They are seeing things from a different angle and maybe see something you don’t. Sometimes they know better or sometimes they are just worried about you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

So You Learn

A good friend of mine was telling me about this ex-employee he had and always had problems with. Then he was telling me that this always happened to him, he would give someone a chance and they would walk all over him. I was talking to a different friend about how she couldn’t meet the right guy and how guys were always treating her poorly. Both of these people were talking about completely different people but coincidently were always get the same result.

God doesn’t want you to fail! God wants you to be happy!! God does put all kinds of people in your life for you to learn from. Some are good and some are bad. If bad things are always happening to you, over and over you’re not learning anything! We are put here on earth to serve God. If you’re unhappy you won’t be a very good servant. Yes you might get done what God wants you to get done but your not going to be very happy doing it!

How to do this? If you do fail learn everything you can from it and move on. Don’t be a debbie downer or frank the frowner. Be accountable. If you screw something up, fess up to it! Always read between the lines. We live in a society that loves to play all kinds of games. I don’t care who you are everyone plays one game or another. Yes the guy maybe able to make you laugh or do something that someone else can’t do or tell you everything you want to hear or buy you the moon or maybe he’s one of the lucky ones and doesn’t have to say anything at all. Just stands their and looks good! Use your discernment ladies it goes a long way. Guys start by using your head and I’m talking about the head on your shoulders. Also as much as we like to think, you can’t save them all!

A Better Idea

Men do have one less rib than women and are physically stronger most of the time. Also men listen to reason and don’t just have to be right all the time but… Men smell like rotten paint when they’re stinky and dirty. Women still smell like flowers just flowers that have been in the dirt awhile. Men can have curves, but women have curves that make sense and are nice to look at! Men can have babies but we need women to have them. A man can give you a go to hell look but a woman can give one of those too! She can also give a come here and its going to be great look as well. A drunk man can say “how you doing” and everyone looks at him weird. A drunken woman can say the same thing and nobody looks at her funny! A man can close a business deal with a handshake, but so can a woman. She can also do it with a meaningless wink and a smile! A man buys a car for below sticker price. A woman can buy a car below sticker price plus get a bunch of rebates and free lifetime oil changes. A man can run a marathon with a broken leg; a woman can do the same thing and not be complaining the entire race. Women need a GPS, a map and a cell phone just in case. Men know how to get anywhere in the world by themselves, heck we are the freaking GPS! This explains why women are always on time.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Don't Stop Believin'

Unfortunately, this blog has nothing to do with that song... but I am a small town boy. I needed some stuff for my house; I asked and got exactly what I asked for. I needed a computer; I asked and got a laptop. I wanted to start reading more books about God; I asked and got “Experiencing God”. All these things I just mentioned were free.

A few days later, while reading the book and listening to the radio, I was reading about people having a hard time following God, because He sometimes asks you to do things that are crazy. I had not finished that sentence and a Salvation Army commercial came on the radio and said “donate your trucks, cars, boats or rv’s”. These opportunities have popped up in the past and I’ve always pushed it off to as a coincidence. So after talking to a few close and wise friends I donated my car. Did it scare me? Yes! I had no idea when or if I would get a replacement vehicle.

Fast forward 4 weeks later. A young couple calls me and says "Here’s our car, do whatever you'd like with it.” Do I trust and believe in God? You bet I do!

Now I’m not telling you that this is what you have to do to get in good with God. I do know that I feel closer to Him and amazing things have happened to me Here are a few things I do:

1. Seek God. What that means is read the Bible. I try to read it everyday. I downloaded the YouVersion app (available for many devices) and follow the Life Journal Reading Plan. I have it set to the Message because it is the easiest to read and understand.

2. Seek fellowship. Don’t just go to church and check the box. Get involved with what’s going on. If your church says they don’t need your help with anything at all, go to a different church or call, text, email, tweet, facebook or foursquare me. Send smoke signals if you have to!

3. Most important trust and believe in God. If He asks you to do something, do it! If it makes too much sense, ask another believer that has done something crazy for God, that’s what I did!

Remember God rewards you when you step out on faith rather than live in fear, but you have to wait on what He tells you to do first!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I was asked, by a reporter if I was a finagler. No, I am not. What I have done is, learn how to read people by body movements and actions. As well as pay attention to my surroundings and always be prepared-thanks mom and dad.

I have always been adventurous. As a kid, I would go on hikes/bike rides within a few of miles of my house and always show up late back to my house. Boy, did my butt pay for it when I got home. I would usually find somewhere to go or something to get into. While I was doing it I was scared, but I think that’s why I did it. I've always enjoyed the thrill of talking/meeting someone, doing something, being somewhere you are not supposed to be/doing. In the past and now it has been pretty ladies and different businesses that has given me the same rush.

Here recently, in March of 2010 I went to sxsw and met all kinds of good folks. I got into all kinds of parties and different venues. Yes I was pointed in the right direction and was introduced to the right people but most parties and venues I was on my own to get into. I ate and was drinking by eleven o’clock in the morning the entire week for free. I took a hundred bucks with me and came back with seven dollars . I saw four different keynotes. Too bad three of them were talking about something I have no idea about and still don’t.

I got into the pressroom where I almost got busted because I was trying not to laugh out loud. While everyone was blogging/writing for their website or paper, I was checking my email and Facebook. I may have even gotten a massage in the pressroom!

So I guessing you’re asking yourself, how can I do this? You can, all you have to do is ask for what you want and don't forget to smile big and have a great time!


The thing about getting something for free is, it’s free I know, surprise surprise. At the recent 2010 sxsw I went to, I got forty one t-shirts, five water bottles, four bags, sixteen pins, five writing pens, four packs of cigaweeds, two pouches of smoking tobacco, two towels, six baseball caps, rolling papers,(I don’t know why the caps or tobacco or rolling papers I don’t wear caps or smoke) a tattoo sleeve that I have tricked my mom and brother with( I have been disowned by my mom and now I’m a bigger hero to brother) I have lost count on how many monster energy drinks, protein energy bars and stickers I have received. I you ever see a guy at B&N with a bunch of stickers with one @chocov sticker on his laptop that’s me. A few people I know have been asking me for tips on swag. (I even got an invite for a tech conference in June).So here’s a few tips! The thing about swag is, it’s free people just ask for it! Don’t be a beggar, no one likes a beggar. Be very nice,(like patrick swayze said in the movie roadhouse…the only thing is that there will not be a time for you not to be nice). Listen to what any and everyone has to say. Who knows you just might need the product they are trying to sell you. Treat everyone with respect and dignity this isn’t boyz in the hood or prison. Treat them like you would want to be treated it’s in the bible. Keep a great attitude. If someone says no, it’s OK. It will be alright you didn’t want to be advertizing their product in the first place. If they say no and you really want a yes, come back later and talk to someone else in that booth. Kind of like what you did with your parents. Last but not least if they don’t have your size don’t worry about it take one anyways give it to your mom or dad or brother or sister someone. What might happen is that person will see you the next day and a new shipment may have come in with your correct size. If you were nice and pleasant!

Friday, March 19, 2010


I recently went to sxswi (you would know this if you follow me on twitter, facebook or foursquare). I saw/met a lot of smart folks, like Erika Lehmann, Justine Ezarik, Megan Strout, Pete Cashmore, Larry Chiang, Robert Scoble, Saul Colt and others (and yes, I felt like Ogre) What you didn’t know, is that all of them were cool and friendly unlike the stereotypical people that everyone (non-technical) else seems to think. I asked politely for a picture and without hesitation they said "yes"! I would love to return next year to sxsw to see who else I can meet and converse with.

Monday, March 8, 2010


My dad, in the most respectful way, is a nut! If you know me and think that I’m funny, I’m not; dad is hilarious. We were on a gambling cruise ship late one night and everyone on board was ready to call it a night and go home. Dad got the great idea to get up on stage and address the crowd. He went up; three minutes later he had everyone laughing when he got done the people from the ship asked him to come back. He asked them if they would give him his money back that he lost at the tables. (They didn’t, so dad didn’t go back either!) Growing up with my dad was fun he took us different places all the time bought us anything we wanted with in reason. Took me hunting and fishing where and whenever he could (he would even take me out of school early when my grade were good so we could go hunting). I have always been a big kid (husky) so I went through clothes quickly. All of the new Jordan’s, new pairs of custom boots; done. If I wanted a new Nintendo game I got a new latest and greatest toy I got it I wanted a new gun or fishing reel within a birthday Christmas or earned it by working for him. When I wanted a dirt bike (well he drew the line there) but got a three wheeler (just as dangerous). Bought me a truck told me to pick it out (I wanted one off the lot he drew the line there too F350 crew cab) When I graduated high school he told I didn’t have to work while I went to college (he paid for college as well) but no I was making $$$$ and knew more than he did so a little after a year I dropped out of college (stupid) and was making two to three grand a week contentiously! My problem was is I thought all the local bars needed my money more than I did! (I.e. there are girls at bars, very pretty girls). It was not fun to grow up with dad when I made mistakes. When I messed up that meant his belt and my ass had a meeting. It’s fun now a days whenever I mess up, he tells me a joke or teaches me a lesson minus the belt (although the belt might not cost me as much as it does now) After all this time dad really does love me and until here recently, I had forgot to thank him and tell him I loved him. I am lucky to still have my dad and be able to tell him that I love him(we both kind of choke up when we do that…what a bunch of sissy girls right?)

That’s the kind of love God has for you! He wants you to love him the same way he loves you! He wants that same kind of relationship you hopefully have with your dad like I had with mine. God didn’t take anything away from me, I did that on my own. God will try to teach you a lesson, it’s up if you want to listen and learn from it. If you trust in Him, He will give you whatever you NEED. He may bless you with what you want but remember what the WANT is for… “God I NEED a new truck so I can impress the ladies so I can get a HOT one” I use to think this too…Really, if you NEED a truck for this your looking for the wrong lady to begin with…God I NEED a great paying job so I don’t ever have to worry about money again…If you trust in Him he will provide you with everything you NEED. Or God I NEED a house keeper or nanny so I can have time for other stuff in my life (sometimes you get what you ask for. I know someone that got a nanny/housekeeper/secretary and now she is the guy’s wife and the lady that asked for the helper lives…. well you get the idea) Or God I NEED to get a boob job because it will make me look better for my future husband. Lady you’re looking for the wrong husband. God made someone for everyone (hey just so everyone knows there is nothing wrong with getting a boob job. What do you plan on doing with that/them. If you’re doing it for “issues” Ok but if you had God in the first place you would be confident in yourself through Him)

Loving Great Friends

Ever since I was a little kid I could always recall having friends around to get me in and out of trouble. I’m still friends with some of them to this day. Every hunting season we would get together, hang out, shoot some ducks/deer/dove/quail and throw a few back(ok more than a few whatever).In particular this one friend, we would go hunting for two or three days but by the end of the trip we were at each others throat. I mean come on we hung out since we were kids, we went to same high school, partied together, got into fights together heck I was in his wedding(I was not the wedding bouncer btw). I look back and think what started every time. What I did what he did and it would begin with we would always take his boat; of course he was the captain. Coming from someone that doesn’t take drunk barking orders very well (me) and someone that always has to have his way no matter what happens. Like almost always coming real close to capsizing the boat or someone would exceed there limit or someone would get lost and neglect reason/a frigin compass or someone had a business to run/had to take calls in the duck blind etc… (so everyone knows none of these were me except the last one and my sense of direction in the country and on the water is spot on) Needless to say, this past year was the second year we didn’t hunt together. We still have drinks and talk about the good times (like when he got us in trouble for looking at dirty magazines all him by the way) as a matter a fact, we brought in the New Year together with other friends. I would still take a bullet for this guy as big of pain in the ass he is!

Other friends I have now are close and dear to my heart one friend in particular. I always tried to look out for him and other friends in college. I remember we were back in cc and his girlfriend’s ex was giving them both a hard time. My friend wasn’t scared but I could tell he was nervous. I had to delegate and defuse the situation (good times). Whenever there is a good deal on anything and he knows what want/ed, I always got a call or email. Now he and his wife always invite me for dinner (I’m not saying no, because she is a great cook/baker) and they let me hang out. Also I get to kind of watch them, see how a loving couple should act (my parents divorced at a young age, there was no yelling or violence but I didn’t see the love part these two have) and I get to learn from their mistakes (bring on the single ladies!) I always jump at the chance to help them out because they always help me out when/however they can.

Other close friends I have lost were my grandfather and a friend named Charles. Both taught me great life lessons. My grandfather taught me the fundamentals of business, life in the outdoors on a ranch/in a deer blind/and on a boat and you have to enjoy what you do! Charles on the other hand taught me a lot about women and living life to the fullest (funny how the people that are almost always happy die young. I guess God wants to fill heaven with happy people so the sad people coming in will have someone to laugh with.)

New close friends have helped me to see the light! I wish they were here ten years ago but then again I was at a different part of my life and city for that matter…

What I have learned (among other things, like if I ever want to get married and be happy at the same time is to learn to take orders.) the other thing is that God loves us! He doesn’t put evil in your way. He can’t, it’s not possible for Him. The close friends that God has put in front of me have made me who I am today and for that I’m happy!